Ihhotela laseImperial Pacific Resort ・ Saipan liqala ukusebenza ngomhlaka 6 Julayi, 2017


I-Imperial Pacific International Holdings Limited iyajabula ukumemezela ukuthi sizosuka endaweni yethu yokuqeqesha yesikhashana – I-Best Sunshine Live iye e-Imperial Pacific Resort Hotel ・ Saipan, ikhasino esezingeni lomhlaba e-Garapan ngoLwesine, Julayi 6, 2017. Lokhu okusha okumangalisayo i-casino isethelwe ukuchaza kabusha ukunethezeka njengengxenye yentuthuko ethokozisayo ye-Saipan ibe isikhungo somhlaba sokungcebeleka nokuzijabulisa.

Ngomnyango omkhulu webhilidi lekhasino, indawo yokwamukela izivakashi enkulu enezikrini ezinkulu ze-LED ezi-5 kanye nephasishi likanokusho kuholela izivakashi ngqo endaweni yemidlalo neyokuzijabulisa. Ivuselela futhi ibe yinhle, indawo yokudlala inamatafula amageyimu angaphezu kuka-70 kanye nemishini yokudlala ye-elekthronikhi engaphezu kuka-190.

Umqondo wobuhle nobuhlakani bezakhiwo zaleli hhotela lokungcebeleka liyinhlanganisela ephelele yomhlaba odonsa umoya ongaphansi kwamanzi kanye nengqikithi yezakhiwo zasentshonalanga. Lo msebenzi wobuciko oncomekayo udalwe inkampani yezokwakha ehamba phambili embonini - i-Steelman Partner, egxile ekwakheni indawo yokungcebeleka esezingeni eliphezulu namahhotela. Ngokuzayo, ibhilidi lamahhotela lizohlinzeka ngamahhotela aphambili angama-329 kanye nezindlu ezi-deluxe eziyi-15, izindawo zokudlela eziningi eziholwa abapheki abadumile be-Michelin Star kanye nezindawo zokuqala zomhlangano nezokuzijabulisa.

Itholakala enkabeni yeNorthern Mariana Islands, i-Imperial Pacific Resort Hotel ・ I-Saipan ingenye yephrojekthi yokuqala yezinga eliphezulu ye-Resort & Hotel ye-Imperial Pacific International (CNMI), LLC Limited.

I-Saipan, iparele eliyigugu eNtshonalanga yePacific Ocean, inendawo ezungezile eyingqayizivele nengokwemvelo kanye nenqwaba yezinsiza zezokuvakasha. Njengoba izungezwe izixhobo zamakhorali ezinamandla kanye nehlathi lemvula elishisayo, leli pharadesi elishisayo linikeza amabhishi amahle esihlabathi esimhlophe ngaphansi kwesibhakabhaka esinesithombe esihle. I-Saipan iyindawo ekahle ye-tropical yokungcebeleka nokuphumula.

Njengoba uMnu. Kwong Yiu Ling, Isikhulu Esiphezulu se-Imperial Pacific International (CNMI) aphawula, “I-Imperial Pacific izibophezele ekuthuthukiseni utshalomali olusezingeni lomhlaba kanye namaphrojekthi wokuzijabulisa asezingeni eliphezulu eSaipan. Sijabule kakhulu ukushintshela e-Imperial Pacific Resort Hotel · Saipan. Kuyingqopha-mlando yethu yokuqala futhi izosiza nakanjani ukwethula inkathi entsha yokunethezeka e-Saipan. Sizosebenza kanzima kakhulu ekuthuthukisweni okusimeme futhi iSaipan, izoba ngenye yezindawo zokuhamba ezifiseleka kakhulu emhlabeni.


  • Located at the heart of the Northern Mariana Islands, the Imperial Pacific Resort Hotel ・ Saipan is one of the first world-class luxury Resort &.
  • The aesthetic and innovative architectural concept of this resort hotel is the perfect blend of breath-taking underwater world and the essence of western architecture.
  • Saipan, a precious pearl in the West of Pacific Ocean, has unique and natural geographical environment and an abundant array of tourism resources.

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