Inkampani yezindiza i-Estelar ixhuma iCaracas esuka eRome ngemuva kweminyaka engu-17 ingekho


Umphathi waseVenezuela, u-Estelar Latinoamérica, osenhloko-dolobha yaseCaracas, uqale ngokusemthethweni ukusebenza umzila weCaracas-Rome-Caracas.


Umphathi waseVenezuela, u-Estelar Latinoamérica, osenhloko-dolobha yaseCaracas, uqale ngokusemthethweni ukusebenza umzila weCaracas-Rome-Caracas. Ngemuva kweminyaka engu-17 ngaphandle kokundiza ngqo, iRoma izophinde ixhumeke enhlokodolobha yaseVenezuela kanye ngesonto ngoLwesihlanu ngo-12: 40, ngenkathi isuka eCaracas izondizela eRoma ngoLwesine ngo-6: 20 ntambama. Kuyithemba lenkampani ukuphumelela ukwandisa imvamisa.

Indiza izosebenza nge-Airbus A340-313 enamandla angama-267: 12 ekilasini lokuqala, angama-42 esigabeni sebhizinisi, kuthi angama-213 esigabeni sabavakashi. Isikhathi sokundiza kuzoba amahora ayi-10 nemizuzu engama-30, okwenza kube yindiza ende kunazo zonke eqhutshwa yinkampani yezindiza.

"Ngokuqala kabusha kwezinsizakalo zomoya eRome, manje siphakamisa izindawo ezi-7 zamazwe omhlaba, ezi-2 kuzoba se-Europe," kusho uBoris Serrano, umongameli wezokuphatha, wengeza wathi, "Lokhu kungumphumela womzamo omkhulu inkampani yezindiza Wenza nethimba elihle nelilungele ukwenza ukuxhumana okuningana maduze ngenhloso yokuhlangabezana nezidingo zabagibeli. ”

Umzila omusha weCaracas-Rome uhlangana ngentshisekelo enkulu ngabavakashi, abahambi bezebhizinisi, nomphakathi wase-Italiya-eVenezuela okuyiyona enkulu kunazo zonke emiphakathini yakwamanye amazwe futhi eyithuba elihle lokuqhakambisa indawo eya e-Italy. "Uyimakethe ebaluleke kakhulu kithina," kuqhuba uSerrano, "Futhi siyaqiniseka ukuthi umzamo esiwenzayo e-Aerolíneas Estelar ukwenza ngcono ukuxhumana kwethu uzozuza emkhakheni wezindaba zomhlaba wonke nokuhlangana kwemindeni phakathi kwamazwe womabili."

“Izinhloso zethu zango-2019: umzila wesithathu oya eYurophu naseningizimu nasenkabeni yeMelika. Siqoke i-GSA - Tal Aviation - ukusebenzela imakethe yase-Italy yokubhuka kanye ne-Aerolíneas Estelar, "kuphetha uBoris Serrano.


  • “With the resumption of air services to Rome, we now propose 7 international destinations, 2 of which will be in Europe,” said Boris Serrano, the president of the carrier, adding, “This is the result of a great effort that the airline is making with an excellent and prepared team in order to offer multiple connections in the near future with the aim to meet the needs of passengers.
  • “It is a very important market for us,” continued Serrano, “And we are confident that the effort we make in Aerolíneas Estelar to improve our connectivity will benefit in the area of international affairs and family rapprochement between both countries.
  • The new Caracas-Rome route meets with great interest by tourists, business travelers, and the Italian-Venezuelan community which is the largest among the foreign communities and constitutes a good opportunity to promote the Italian destination.

Mayelana umbhali

I-avatar ka-Mario Masciullo - eTN Italy

UMario Masciullo - eTN Italy

UMario ungumakadebona embonini yezokuvakasha.
Ulwazi lwakhe lusabalele emhlabeni wonke kusukela ngo-1960 lapho eneminyaka engu-21 eqala ukuhlola eJapane, eHong Kong naseThailand.
UMario ubone iWorld Tourism ithuthuka futhi wabona ubufakazi be-
ukubhujiswa kwempande / ubufakazi besikhathi esedlule senani elihle lamazwe ngokuthanda ubungqingili / inqubekela phambili.
Eminyakeni engama-20 edlule isipiliyoni sohambo lukaMario selugxile eSouth East Asia futhi ngokuhamba kwesikhathi sifake i-Indian Sub Continent.

Ingxenye yesipiliyoni somsebenzi kaMario ifaka imisebenzi eminingi kwi-Civil Aviation
field yaphetha ngemuva kokuhlelela i-kik off eMalaysia Singapore Airlines e-Italy njenge-Institutor futhi yaqhubeka iminyaka eyi-16 endimeni ye-Sales / Marketing Manager e-Italy ye-Singapore Airlines ngemuva kokwehlukana kohulumeni ababili ngo-Okthoba 1972.

Ilayisense esemthethweni ye-Journal ka-Mario yi-"National Order of Journalists Rome, Italy ngo-1977.

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