I-Abu Dhabi Tourism yethula iphrojekthi entsha engekho emgaqweni

I-Abu Dhabi Tourism yethula iphrojekthi entsha engekho emgaqweni
I-Abu Dhabi Tourism yethula iphrojekthi entsha engekho emgaqweni
Ibhalwe ngu UHarry Johnson

I-Abu Dhabi Tourism yethula amamephu emigwaqo yokushayela ongekho emgwaqeni ehlanganisa i-Abu Dhabi, i-Al Dhafrah ne-Al Ain


Iphrojekthi entsha ethokozisayo eyethulwe namuhla ezobona abahloli bamazwe kungekudala bezokwazi ukuqala ukuhlola okuthakazelisayo kogwadule e-Abu Dhabi. I-Off-Road Driving in Abu Dhabi Project, ehlelwe nguMnyango Wezamasiko Nezokuvakasha - i-Abu Dhabi (i-DCT Abu Dhabi), inamamephu ayisithupha emigwaqo yokushayela ongekho emgwaqeni ahlanganisa i-Abu Dhabi, i-Al Dhafrah ne-Al Ain, abangalandela abahambi ukuqala amatende e-desert kanye nokuhlangenwe nakho kwe-safari safari ezimotweni zabo.

Amamephu emizila enziwe ngaphansi kwalolu hlelo aklanywe ngawo wonke amazinga wokuhlangenwe nakho kokushayela, kusukela ekuqaleni kuya kokuthuthukile. Umzila ngamunye uhlinzeka ngamathuba ahlukahlukene wokubona indawo, kufaka phakathi ukubonwa kwamakamela kanye nezimpunzi, ukubukwa okuhlukile kwe-dune desert kanye nokufinyelela kuma-oases. Amamephu emizila afaka i-Al Remah, i-Al Ain eya e-White Sands, i-Hameem Loop, i-Umm Al Oush, i-Liwa Crossing ne-Al Khazna, konke okuzotholakala ngabasebenzisi bezokuvakasha ababambe iqhaza kanye ne Ikhasi lewebhu le-Abu Dhabi Off-Road.

Abashayeli bazonikezwa isethi yohlu lokuhlola kanye nemiyalo ukuqinisekisa ukuphepha kwabo. Opharetha ababambe iqhaza bazonikeza izifundo ezisekelweni zomsebenzi kulabo abangenalo ulwazi lwangaphambili lokushayela ngaphandle komgwaqo, ukubasiza ukuthi bajabulele i-adventure yabo elandelayo ngokuphepha. Yonke imizila izoboniswa kuhlelo lokusebenza lwe-Google Amamephu ngesixhumanisi esinqunyiwe ngasinye.

U-HE Ali Hassan Al Shaiba, uMqondisi Omkhulu Wezokuvakasha Nezokumaketha e-DCT e-Abu Dhabi, uthe: “I-Abu Dhabi iyindawo enhle kakhulu yezihambi nalabo abafuna ukuxhumana nemvelo, ngenxa yendawo yayo ehlukahlukene futhi emangelengele. Ukushayela u-Off-Road e-Abu Dhabi kuzohlinzeka abahloli bamazwe ngethuba lokuhlola indawo enhle yase-Abu Dhabi futhi baqale uhambo oluthokozisayo nolwehlukile unyaka wonke. Lolu hlelo luvula neminyango emisha yabasebenza opharetha, manje abanganikeza izivakashi izinhlobo eziningi zokuhlangenwe nakho kwasogwadule.

“Ukwenza imephu yemizila ehamba phambili yokuhlola nokubeka imihlahlandlela efanele yokuphepha ngenhloso yokuqinisekisa ukuzijabulisa nokuphepha kwabo bonke, sisebenzisane kakhulu neCapital Gate Tourism and Adventure, kanye ne-Anantara Qasr Al Sarab Resort . Imephu yomzila ngamunye izonikezela ngezinto ezidingekayo kanye nemihlahlandlela, kufaka phakathi amazinga olwazi oludingekayo, ukuqinisekisa ukuthi abashayeli bakulungele ngokwanele ukuhamba futhi bajabulele le adventure ethokozisayo. ”


  • The Off-Road Driving in Abu Dhabi Project, organized by the Department of Culture and Tourism – Abu Dhabi (DCT Abu Dhabi), consists of six off-road driving route maps covering Abu Dhabi, Al Dhafrah and Al Ain, which adventurers can follow to embark on desert camping and desert safari experiences in their own vehicles.
  • “To map out the best routes for exploration and put in place the right safety guidelines with an aim to ensure a fun and safe adventure for all, we worked closely with Capital Gate Tourism and Adventure, as well as with the Anantara Qasr Al Sarab Resort.
  • The route maps include Al Remah, Al Ain to White Sands, Hameem Loop, Umm Al Oush, Liwa Crossing and Al Khazna, all of which will be available through participating tour operators as well as the Abu Dhabi Off-Road webpage.

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UHarry Johnson

UHarry Johnson ube ngumhleli wesabelo se- eTurboNews iminyaka engaphezu kwengu-20. Uhlala e-Honolulu, eHawaii, futhi udabuka eYurophu. Uyakujabulela ukubhala nokubika izindaba.

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