Umdlavuza Wamaphaphu: Ukuhlolwa Okusha Komtholampilo Kwemithi Yokwelapha Amasosha omzimba

A BAMBA Ukukhululwa Kwamahhala | eTurboNews | eTN
Isithombe sikaLinda Hohnholz
Ibhalwe ngu Linda Hohnholz

Namuhla, i-Akeso, Inc. imemezele ukuthi i-Cadonilimab (PD-1/CTLA-4 bi-specific antibody), umuthi wesigaba sokuqala se-immuno-oncology owenziwe ngokuzimela yiNkampani, uhlanganiswe ne-Ivonescimab (PD-1/VEGF bi-specific). antibody), umuthi wenoveli we-immuno-oncology owakhiwe inkampani ngokuzimela, uthole imvume ku-Center for Drug Evaluation (CDE) ye-National Medical Products Administration yase-People's Republic of China ukuqala ukuhlolwa komtholampilo kwesigaba Ib/II noma ngaphandle kwe-chemotherapy yokwelashwa komdlavuza wamaphaphu ongewona omncane weseli (NSCLC).


Lolu cwaningo lomtholampilo luwukwelapha kokuqala 'kwe-bi-specific antibody' emhlabeni jikelele kanye 'ne-bi-specific antibody' olungene esigabeni sokuhlolwa komtholampilo. Ukusetshenziswa okuhlanganisiwe kwezidakamizwa ezimbili ze-PD-1 esekelwe e-bi-specific bi-specific kulindeleke ukuthi kuthuthukise umphumela womtholampilo we-immunotherapy ngesisekelo se-immunotherapy ekhona esekelwe ku-PD-1/PD-L1 inhibitors. Lolu cwaningo lomtholampilo luphinde lube olunye uphawu olubalulekile lokuhlola okuphelele kweNkampani inani lomtholampilo kanye nenani lezentengiselwano lemithi yayo eyinsada ngaphansi kocwaningo.

I-Ivonescimab ibonise ukuphepha okuhle nokubekezelelana ezivivinyweni zomtholampilo zakuqala ngezinhlobo ezahlukene zomdlavuza wamaphaphu okuhlanganisa i-NSCLC ne-SCLC. Iphinde yabonisa imiphumela emihle kakhulu yokulwa nesimila: i-ORR ye-Ivonescimab ehlanganiswe ne-chemotherapy ekwelapheni i-PD-L1 positive non-squamous NSCLC yayingu-83.3% (N=6), kanye ne-ORR ye-PD-L1 engeyinhle i-NSCLC engeyona i-squamous. ibingu-45.5% (N=11); i-ORR ye-Ivonescimab ehlanganiswe ne-chemotherapy ekwelapheni kwe-NSCLC lapho ukwelashwa kwe-epidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor (EGFR-TKI) kuhlulekile kwafinyelela ku-60.0% (N=5); i-ORR ye-Ivonescimab ehlanganiswe ne-chemotherapy ekwelapheni i-PD-L1 ebuyele emuva noma i-Refractory NSCLC yayingu-50.0% (N=4); kanye ne-ORR ye-Ivonescimab ehlanganiswe ne-chemotherapy ekwelashweni komugqa wokuqala we-SCLC yayiphezulu njenge-100.0% (N=5).

Isivivinyo somtholampilo esiqhubekayo sesigaba se-Ib/II se-Cadonilimab esihlanganiswe ne-Anlotinib (isidakamizwa se-antiangiogenic tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI)) sokwelashwa kwe-NSCLC ethuthukisiwe siphinde siphakamise ukuthi kunomphumela omuhle we-synergistic phakathi kwe-Cadonilimab kanye ne-anti-angiogenesis therapy, engaqhubeka. thuthukisa umsebenzi we-anti-tumor.

Ukwengeza, imiphumela yokuhlolwa okuningi kwemitholampilo embonini ilibonise ngokugcwele inani lomtholampilo lokwelapha okuhlanganisiwe kokuhlosiwe kwe-PD-1 kanye ne-CTLA-4 ku-NSCLC. Njengoba ukwelashwa kwe-antiangiogenesis kungenza imithambo yegazi yesimila ibe evamile futhi yenze i-tumor microenvironment ifaneleke kakhudlwana ukwelapha amasosha omzimba, ama-immuno-inhibitors ahlanganiswe nemithi elwa ne-angiogenic abe enye yezinhlanganisela zezidakamizwa ezidume kakhulu ekwelapheni kwesimila. Umkhakha womdlavuza wamaphaphu iyona kanye indlela yokuhlola eyinhloko yalokhu kwelashwa okuhlangene. 'I-immune + anti-angiogenesis' ehlanganiswe nomugqa wokuqala kanye nokwelashwa okulandelayo kwe-NSCLC ngaphansi kocwaningo emhlabeni jikelele kubonise umsebenzi omuhle wokulwa nesimila kanye namathemba okusebenza emtholampilo.

Ngokwesisekelo sokwelashwa okuhlangene kwamasosha omzimba (PD-1/PD-L1 inhibitors kanye ne-CTLA-4 inhibitors), kuhlanganiswe nemithi elwa ne-angiogenic, kulindeleke ukuthi kuthuthukiswe ukusebenza kahle komtholampilo. Inhlanganisela ye-Ivonescimab ne-Cadonilimab enamakhambi noma ngaphandle kwayo kulindeleke ukuthi ivuselele irekhodi elisha lokusebenza emkhakheni wamanje wokwelashwa kwe-NSCLC.

Mayelana nokuphepha, i-Cadonilimab ibophezela ngokuqondile kokubili okuhlosiwe kwe-PD-1 ne-CTLA-4 nge-half-life emfushane, enokuphepha okuhle nokulawulekayo. Izivivinyo zomtholampilo zangaphambilini zibonise ukuthi i-Cadonilimab ingcono kakhulu kune-CTLA-4 inhibitors emakethe futhi iqhathaniswa ne-PD-1/PD-L1 inhibitor emakethe ngokuphepha kukonke. Idatha yamanje yomtholampilo ye-monotherapy ye-Ivonescimab iphinde ikhombise ukuthi, mhlawumbe ngenxa yokukhomba kahle isimila sasendaweni kanye nokuphakama kwesakhiwo se-bi-specific antibody, akukho ukusabela okusobala okungathandeki kwe-bevacizumab okuye kwabonwa, futhi ukuphepha kwayo kukonke kungcono noma kuqhathaniswe nalokho. ye-PD-1/PD-L1 inhibitors okwamanje emakethe. Ngakho-ke, ukuphepha kwe-Ivonescimab kuhlanganiswe ne-Cadonilimab kulindeleke ukuthi kube ngcono noma kuqhathaniswe nalokho kwamanye ama-PD-1/PD-L1 inhibitors kuhlanganiswe nezidakamizwa ezilwa ne-angiogenic.


  • The current monotherapy clinical data of Ivonescimab also indicate that, perhaps due to the good local tumor targeting and the superiority of the bi-specific antibody structure, no obvious adverse reactions of bevacizumab have been observed, and its overall safety is better or comparable to that of PD-1/PD-L1 inhibitors currently on the market.
  • In addition, the results of multiple clinical trials in the industry have fully shown the clinical value of the combination therapy of PD-1 and CTLA-4 targets in NSCLC.
  • The combined application of two novel PD-1 based bi-specific antibody drugs is expected to further enhance the clinical effect of immunotherapy on the basis of the existing immunotherapy based on PD-1/PD-L1 inhibitors.

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Isithombe sikaLinda Hohnholz

Linda Hohnholz

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