Umbiko Omusha Wabantu Abadala Nezempilo Yengqondo Phakathi Ne-COVID-19

A BAMBA MahhalaRelease 3 | eTurboNews | eTN
Isithombe sikaLinda Hohnholz
Ibhalwe ngu Linda Hohnholz

Namuhla i-eHealth, Inc., imakethe yomshwalense wezempilo yangasese eku-inthanethi, ikhiphe okutholakele ocwaningweni olusha lwabantu abadala baseMelika abangaphezu kuka-3,800 abaneminyaka yobudala engama-65 nangaphezulu, behlola imizwa yabo ngokunakekelwa kwempilo yengqondo.          

Okutholwe yilo mbiko kukhombisa ukuthi ubhubhane lwe-COVID-19 lube nomthelela omubi kakhulu umuzwa wempilo yabantu abadala futhi lwashintsha indlela abacabanga ngayo ngokunakekelwa kwezempilo yengqondo.

I-eHealth ithole ukuthi cishe ingxenye (48%) yabantu abadala “bazimisele kakhulu” ukufuna usizo lwezempilo yengqondo namuhla, uma kuqhathaniswa nama-35% ngaphambi kwalolu bhubhane. Cishe ama-40% athi izimo zobhubhane zibenze bazizwa benesizungu futhi bebodwa. Selokhu kwaqala lolu bhubhane, u-9% wabesifazane asebekhulile bathola ukwelashwa kokunakekelwa ngokwengqondo okokuqala ngqa ezimpilweni zabo.

Okutholakele okwengeziwe:

• Abantu abadala bazimisele ukukhuluma ngempilo yengqondo kodwa abaningi abakhulumi ngakho nodokotela babo: Amaphesenti angu-66 abantu abadala bathi bazimisele ngokufanayo ukukhuluma ngokunakekelwa kwengqondo njengoba nje bezimisele nganoma yiluphi olunye uhlobo lokunakekelwa kwezokwelapha. Kodwa-ke, ama-51% awakaze akhulume ngempilo yengqondo nodokotela wawo ojwayelekile.

• Izinzuzo zokunakekelwa kwempilo yengqondo zibalulekile kwasebekhulile: ama-72% athi izinzuzo zezempilo yengqondo zibalulekile kubo lapho bekhetha uhlelo lomshwalense wezempilo; Ama-64% athi izinzuzo zezempilo yengqondo zibaluleke njengezinye izinhlobo zokunakekelwa kwezempilo.

• Abantu abadala abaningi abazi ngezinzuzo zezempilo yengqondo ze-Medicare: Amaphesenti angu-61 ayengazi ukuthi i-Medicare inikeza izinzuzo zokunakekelwa kwezempilo yengqondo.


  • 66% of seniors say they are just as willing to talk about mental health care as they are about any other form of medical care.
  • , an online private health insurance marketplace, released findings from a new survey of more than 3,800 American seniors age 65 and older, exploring their sentiments on mental health care.
  • Since the pandemic began, 9% of senior women received mental health care treatment for the first time in their lives.

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Isithombe sikaLinda Hohnholz

Linda Hohnholz

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