I-Covid-19 Diagnostics Market size, Share & Impact Analysis Report ngonyaka Wesibikezelo ngo-2029

Lolu cwaningo luhlinzeka ngombono wesikhathi eside emakethe yezinsiza zokuhlola i-Covid-19, luhlinzeka ngesimo esingase sibe khona kuze kube ngu-2030. njengoba kwenzeka kwamanye ama-coronavirus.

Ukwenyuka okunamandla kwenani leziguli ze-Covid-19 emhlabeni wonke okulandelwa yizidingo zokuxilonga ngokushesha kuzoqhubeka nokugqugquzela isidingo.

Njengamanje, ucwaningo luyenziwa mayelana nokuxilongwa kanye nokwelashwa. Ukuxilongwa kuhlanganisa ukuhlola okusekelwe ku-PCR kanye nokuhlolwa kwe-serological noma kwe-antibody. Ukuhlolwa kwe-antibody kulungele kangcono ukubheka ukugonywa komhlambi ezigulini eseziluleme, kuyilapho ukuhlolwa kwe-PCR kufeza inhloso yokutholwa kwe-coronavirus kusenesikhathi.

Imboni yezokunakekelwa kwempilo igcizelela ekuthuthukisweni kwe-immunotherapy, imigomo, ama-cell-based kanye nemithi yokwelapha elwa namagciwane. Kusukela ngoMeyi 2020, bekunemithi yokugoma engu-124 kanye nemithi yokwelapha ehlukahlukene engama-205 esathuthukiswayo.

Cela Isampula Lekhophi Yombiko: 


Izinselelo Ezibalulekile Zabadlali Bemakethe Nabacwaningi

Njengamanje, izinselelo ezibhekene nazo zibandakanya ukushoda kolwazi mayelana naleli gciwane, njengemininingwane yofuzo, i-biologics, ubude besikhathi sokugomela ezigulini ezilulamile.

Izinketho ezithile zokwelapha okulindeleke ukuthi zingashintsha imidlalo zifaka i-ACE-Mab yi-Sorrento Therapeutics, i-HCQ (Hydroxychloroquine ne-chloroquine), i-Remdesivir antiviral by Gilead Sciences, kanye ne-Canakinumab (Ilaris) kaNovartis.

Ngaphezu kwalokho, izinketho ezifana nokwelashwa okusekelwe kumaseli okubandakanya amangqamuzana abulalayo emvelo noma ama-Mesenchymal stem cell kanye nokwelashwa kwe-plasma sekuseduze nokuhlinzeka ngezinketho zokwelashwa eziqondene nawe.

Okuthathwayo Okubalulekile ku-FMI's Covid-19 Diagnostics Market Study

  • Ukuhlolwa kwamangqamuzana kunesabelo esikhulu kunazo zonke njengamanje futhi ukuthambekela kulindeleke ukuthi kuqhubeke kuze kube sekupheleni kuka-2020. Lokhu kungase kubangelwe ukuthi ukuhlolwa kwamangqamuzana kuye kwabhekwa njengendinganiso eyigolide yokuthola izifo ezintsha ezibangelwa amagciwane.
  • Amalebhu okuxilonga abe negalelo elingaphezu kuka-60% yenani eliphelele lemakethe ngekota yokuqala ka-2020

Cela I-TOC Ephelele yalo Mbiko enezibalo: https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/toc/rep-gb-12366

Imibono Yombambiqhaza Obalulekile

Ababambiqhaza ababalulekile bagxile ekusheshisweni kokukhiqizwa kanye nesigaba esisha sokugunyazwa komkhiqizo. Isibonelo - Iqembu le-Novacyt, ngo-Mar 2020, lathola i-EUA yokuhlolwa kwe-Covid-2 amahora amabili. Futhi, ngo-Ephreli 19, imvume ye-CE yatholwa ngu-Abbott yokuhlolwa kwegazi le-IgG serology ye-Covid-2020.

Abanye abadlali emakethe bahlanganisa iVeredus Laboratories, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc., Quidel Corporation, Perkin Elmer, Inc., Neuberg Diagnostics, Mylab Discovery Solutions Pvt Ltd., Luminex Corporation, Laboratory Corporation of America Holdings, Hologic Inc., Danaher , Cepheid, bioMérieux SA, Altona Diagnostics GmbH, ALDATU BIOSCIENCES, ADT Biotech Sdn Bhd, and 1drop Inc.

Ingxenye Ebalulekile

Uhlobo lomkhiqizo

  • zomculo
  • Kits Test
  • Ama-reagents kanye nezinto ezisetshenziswayo

Uhlobo lwesampula

  • I-Oropharyngeal kanye ne-Nasopharyngeal Swabs
  • Igazi
  • I-Urine
  • Abanye



  • i-America esenyakatho
  • i-Latin America
  • Europe
  • E-East Asia
  • South Asia
  • Oceania
  • Middle East kanye ne-Afrika

Xhumana Nokuthengisa Ukuze uthole Usizo Olwengeziwe Ekuthengeni Lo Mbiko@ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/checkout/12366

Mayelana ne-Future Market Insights (FMI)
I-Future Market Insights (inhlangano yocwaningo lwemakethe eqinisekisiwe i-ESOMAR kanye nelungu le-Greater New York Chamber of Commerce) inikeza imininingwane ejulile ezintweni ezibusayo eziphakamisa isidingo emakethe. Idalula amathuba azovuna ukukhula kwemakethe ezigabeni ezahlukahlukene ngesisekelo soMthombo, Isicelo, Isiteshi Sokuthengisa kanye Nokusetshenziswa Kokuphela eminyakeni eyi-10 ezayo.

Xhumana nathi:

Imininingwane Yasemakethe Yesikhathi Esizayo
Inombolo Yeyunithi: 1602-006, Jumeirah Bay 2, Inombolo Yesakhiwo: JLT-PH2-X2A

IJumeirah Lakes Towers, eDubai

I-United Arab Emirates


Isixhumanisi somthombo


  • About Future Market Insights (FMI)Future Market Insights (ESOMAR certified market research organization and a member of Greater New York Chamber of Commerce) provides in-depth insights into governing factors elevating the demand in the market.
  • Although successful vaccines are likely to be developed by 2021, a growing body of research is suggesting that Covid-19 will become endemic, as is the case with other coronaviruses.
  • The study provides a long-term outlook on the Covid-19 testing kits market, providing a likely scenario until 2030.

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Linda Hohnholz

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