UPope Francis Aids Lebanon Youth: Uthumela u- $ 200,000 weScholarship

UPope Francis Aids Lebanon Youth: Uthumela u- $ 200,000 weScholarship
UPapa Francis

UPapa Francis kuhlelwe ukungenelela okungajwayelekile kwe Lebanon ethintwe "inkinga ebucayi" nobuphofu, ukucabanga ikakhulukazi ngemfundo yezizukulwane ezisencane.

Ithemba ukuthi ezweni lemisedari, “ukubumbana kobumbano kungafinyelelwa” ngethemba lokuthi ngale kokuhlukana noma izintshisekelo “bonke abalingisi bakazwelonke nabamazwe omhlaba baphishekela ngokufanelekile ukufuna okuhle kwabo bonke.”

Ngokungenelela okumangazayo ngokuthanda iLebanon, uPapa Francis uthathe isinqumo sokuthumela u- $ 200,000 kwi-Apostolic Nunciature yaseHarissa ukuxhasa izifundi ezingama-400 ezweni laseMpumalanga Ephakathi elihlaselwe yinkinga enkulu edala ukuhlupheka, ubuphofu futhi okungenzeka ukuthi yeba ithemba "Ngaphezu kwakho konke izizukulwane ezisencane, ezithola ukuthi ziyakhathaza njengamanje nekusasa lazo."

Lokhu kumenyezelwe esiteshini sabezindaba eHoly See Press Office ngosuku lomkhuleko nokuzila ukudla kwesintu okuthinteke ubhadane lwe-COVID-19 coronavirus.

Isibonelo sokuhlalisana kanye nobuzalwane

UPontiff, inothi liyaqhubeka, "ngokukhathazeka kukababa" kuqhubekile nokulandela ezinyangeni ezisanda kwedlula isimo seLebanon esithandekayo, esichazwe nguSt. John Paul II ngokuthi "Izwe Lemiyalezo" - indawo lapho uBenedict XVI amemezela khona iPost-Synodal Exhortation Ecclesia eMpumalanga Ephakathi. Bekulokhu kuyisibonelo sobudlelwano nobuzalwane i-Document for Human Brotherhood ebifuna ukusinikeza umhlaba wonke.

Ukufinyelela kwezemfundo

Umcabango kaPapa Francis, ngakho-ke, ungowamadodana “namadodakazi” abantu baseLebanoni, ngokwesimo samanje, esiba “nzima ngokwengeziwe” ukuqinisekisa “ukufinyelela kwezemfundo, ikakhulukazi emadolobheni amancane, ngaso sonke isikhathi ziqinisekiswa yizinhlangano zamasonto. ” Isibonakaliso “esibambekayo” sokusondela kukaPapa eZweni Lemisedari, esebenzisa iHhovisi likaNobhala Wombuso kanye neBandla Lamabandla AseMpumalanga, sinezela emnikelweni owenziwe yi-Emergency Fund yedolobha laseVatican ezinsukwini zamuva ukubhekana Isimo esiphuthumayo esiwumshayabhuqe se-COVID-19.


  • With an extraordinary intervention in favor of Lebanon, Pope Francis has decided to send $200,000 to the Apostolic Nunciature of Harissa to support 400 scholarships in the Middle Eastern country that has been plagued by a serious crisis generating suffering, poverty, and is likely to steal hope “above all to the younger generations, who find their present tiring and their future uncertain.
  • Sign of the Pope’s closeness to the Country of the Cedars, through the Secretariat of State and the Congregation for the Eastern Churches, adds to the contribution that the Emergency Fund of the Vatican dicastery has made in recent days to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic emergency.
  • It has always been an example of the coexistence and brotherhood that the Document for Human Brotherhood wanted to offer to the whole world.

Mayelana umbhali

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UMario Masciullo - eTN Italy

UMario ungumakadebona embonini yezokuvakasha.
Ulwazi lwakhe lusabalele emhlabeni wonke kusukela ngo-1960 lapho eneminyaka engu-21 eqala ukuhlola eJapane, eHong Kong naseThailand.
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Ilayisense esemthethweni ye-Journal ka-Mario yi-"National Order of Journalists Rome, Italy ngo-1977.

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