Imakethe yeSoftware yeChromatography ilinganiselwa ukuthi izokhula ku-CAGR ezinzile ka-7.8%, ifinyelele ku-$ 1.1 Bilion ngo-2032.

[Umbiko Wamakhasi angama-354] Ngokohlaziyo lwe-Future Market Insights (FMI), i imakethe yesofthiwe ye-chromatography kulindeleke ukuthi ibe nenani lama-US$ 1.1 Bn ngo-2032, ne-CAGR engu-7.8% ngesikhathi sokubikezela.

The ukwamukelwa kwesoftware yechromatography kungenxa yokwanda kwesidingo se izindlela ze-chromatography ocwaningweni nasekuthuthukisweni ezindaweni eziningana eziqondile zebhizinisi. Isibonelo, imithetho yokuphepha kokudla eyengeziwe kanye nokugxila okwandayo kwe-R&D yezemithi kunomthelela esidingweni esikhulayo amasistimu we-chromatography nesofthiwe.

Isidingo esandayo se isofthiwe ye-chromatography kugqugquzelwa ukwanda kwemisebenzi yocwaningo lwezemithi, ukwanda kwezifo ezidinga ukuxilongwa nokuhlolwa, nokwanda kokukhathazeka ngokudla nokuphepha kwemithi.

Ngaphezu kwalokho, ngenxa yokwanda kokusetshenziswa kwamasu e-chromatography ukutadisha imithi kanye nokuba wusizo kwayo njengokwelapha, ukuqubuka kwe-COVID-19 kuye kwanda. isidingo sezinhlelo zechromatography. Ngenxa yalokho, imakethe yamasheya ikhuphukile phakathi nobhubhane.

I-Remdesivir ikalwa ku-plasma yegazi lesiguli esine-COVID-19 sisebenzisa i-chromatography engamanzi kuhlanganiswe ne-mass spectrometry, ngokocwaningo olushicilelwe ngoJuni 2020.

Ukuhlanganiswa okukhulayo kobuchwepheshe kanye nokuzenzakalelayo ku-R&D yezemithi, ukuhlolwa kwe-forensic, nokuhlolwa kwemvelo kuncike amasistimu e-chromatographic kanye nesofthiwe yokwenza okuthuthukisiwe nempumelelo.

Ukunwetshwa kwemakethe kugqugquzelwa ukwanda kokusetshenziswa kwesoftware yokuhlaziya ukuze kuthuthukiswe i-automation yaselabhorethri kanye nokuthuthukiswa kwesoftware eqondakalayo kanye nezindawo zokusebenzelana ezilungisekayo ukuze kube nokunemba okuphezulu nokukhiqiza.

Ukushoda kwethimba laselabhorethri abanamakhono for isofthiwe ye-chromatography ukuphatha, ngakolunye uhlangothi, kungase kube nomthelela omubi ekukhuleni kwemakethe.

Ukuze uhlale uphambi kwezimbangi zakho, cela isampula -

Ngenxa yazo zonke lezi zinto ezishiwo ngenhla, imakethe yesoftware ye-chromatography kulindeleke ukuthi ifinyelele ku-US$790 Mn ngo-2028.

Ukuthatha okubalulekile:

  • Ngo-2020, okuhlanganisiwe isofthiwe ye-chromatography isigaba sahola imakethe, accounting for 76.5% wesamba semali engenayo.
  • Ngo-2020, umkhakha wewebhu kanye nesoftware esekwe emafini wahola imakethe, wenza u-72.1% wesamba semali engenayo.
  • The ingxenye yemboni yezemithi yabusa imakethe ngo-2020, accounting for 33.4% wesamba esithengisiwe.
  • INyakatho Melika ibibusa imakethe ngo-2020, ibalwa ngama-49.1% okuthengiswa okuphelele. Ukwanda kokusetshenziswa kobuchwepheshe ekuhlolweni kwaselabhorethri kanye nezinqubomgomo ezikhuthaza ukuthunyelwa kwalobu buchwepheshe ukuze kuqinisekiswe imiphumela ethembekile kungaxhunyaniswa nokukhula kwemakethe.

Umhlaba Oncintisanayo:

I-Agilent Technologies, Waters Corporation, Bruker Corporation, Axel Semrau, Shimadzu Corporation, Gilson Inc., kanye ne-Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. bangababambiqhaza abahamba phambili imakethe yesofthiwe ye-chromatography. 

Ukuze kwandiswe isabelo semali engenayo futhi kukhuliswe ukukhula kwenkampani, ababambiqhaza bemakethe abakhulu basebenzisa ukwakheka kwamasu okufana nokuhlanganiswa phambili, ukuthuthukiswa komkhiqizo omusha, ukunwetshwa kwendawo, nokusebenzisana kocwaningo.

Intuthuko Yakamuva Emakethe Yesoftware Ye-Chromatography:

  • I-FDA izokwandisa i-Waters Corporation Empower Isoftware yedatha yeChromatography (CDS) ukusiza amalebhu ayo okuhlola umkhiqizo wezokwelapha kuwo wonke amalabhorethri ayo amahlanu esayensi ngo-January 2022. Lokhu kuthunyelwa kuzoqinisa umugqa womkhiqizo okhona wenkampani futhi kuhambisane isistimu yedatha ye-chromatography'iphothifoliyo yomkhiqizo eyingqayizivele, evula amathuba emakethe amasha okuklama izixazululo ezisebenza kahle kakhulu zokuthola, ukucubungula, kanye nokubika idatha evela enhlobonhlobo yamathuluzi okulinganisa.
  • I-Agilent Technologies ikhiphe inguqulo yabo entsha uhlelo lwedatha ye-chromatography ngo-Agasti 2018 okuvumela amalabhorethri ukuthi alayishe amadokhumenti ngefomethi ye-Allotrope Data Format (ADF), izinga elithuthukisiwe elithuthukiswe iqembu lezinkampani ezithaka imithi. Inkampani yazuza inzuzo yokuncintisana futhi yaqinisa isikhundla sayo semakethe ngenxa yalesi senzo samasu.

Thola Umbiko Owenziwe Owenziwe Ofanelana Nezidingo Zakho, Buza Kungcweti Wocwaningo Lwemakethe -

Izingxenye Ezibalulekile

Ngohlobo Lwedivayisi:

Ngohlobo Lokuthunyelwa:

  • On-premise
  • Kususelwa kuwebhu
  • Isekelwe kusefu


  • Umkhakha Wezemithi
  • Ukuhlolwa Kwezemvelo
  • Ukuhlolwa Kwezobunhloli
  • Imboni Yokudla Neziphuzo
  • Abanye

Ngokusetshenziswa kokugcina:

  • Izinkampani Zemithi neBiotechnology
  • Izikhungo Zezemfundo Nocwaningo
  • Izikhungo Zokuhlola
  • Izibhedlela/Imitholampilo

Isixhumanisi somthombo


  • Agilent Technologies released a new version of their chromatography data program in August 2018 that allows laboratories to upload documents in the Allotrope Data Format (ADF), an advanced standard developed by a group of pharmaceutical companies.
  • Furthermore, due to the increased use of chromatography techniques to study medications and their usefulness as a treatment, the COVID-19 outbreak has boosted the demand for chromatography systems.
  • The market's expansion is being fueled by the increased usage of analytical software for optimizing laboratory automation and the development of intelligible software and adjustable interfaces for high accuracy and productivity.

Mayelana umbhali

Linda Hohnholz

Umhleli omkhulu we eTurboNews ezinze eTN HQ.

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