Imiphumela yokhetho lwaseSeychelles isiphumile

Izinsuku ezintathu zokuvota ngokuthula zifinyelele esiphethweni izolo kusihlwa ngo-7:00 ntambama eziqhingini ezingaphakathi zaseMahe, ePraslin naseLa Digue, ngemuva kokuthi zonke ezinye iziqhingi zivotelwe phakathi nezikhathi ezimbili.

Izinsuku ezintathu zokuvota ngokuthula ziphele izolo kusihlwa ngo-7:00 ebusuku eziqhingini ezingaphakathi zaseMahe, ePraslin naseLa Digue, ngemva kokuba zonke ezinye iziqhingi zivotelwe phakathi nezinsuku ezimbili ezandulele.

Njengoba bekulindelekile futhi njengoba kwafakazelwa mathupha ekupheleni kukaMeyi phakathi nokhetho lukamongameli, ukuziphatha kwabavoti kwakuvuthiwe futhi azikho izigameko zezinto ezibikiwe kunoma yikuphi eziqhingini zonke.

The general election became necessary when the previous parliament dissolved itself amid much controversy over the then opposition attempting to block parliamentary proceedings through a boycott and then failed to participate in the 2011 General Election. A new opposition party was swiftly formed by dissenters previously part of the SNP, but with little time to prepare for an election campaign, eventually failed to capture a single elective seat from the 25 constituencies nor apparently gathered enough votes to claim some of the ‘proportional seats’ otherwise available. Party LEPEP of President Michel captured all elective seats in the new assembly with a voter turnout of 74.3 percent.

Umphumela, ngenkathi ugujwa phakathi kwabalandeli beQembu LEPEP, ushiya intando yeningi e-Seychelles impofu ngandlela thile kunangaphambili, njengoba ukuphikiswa ngaphakathi kwephalamende manje kungasekho futhi kuzodingeka kutholwe enye inkundla yokubamba iqhaza ezindabeni zomphakathi. UMongameli Michel uhalalisele umholi weqembu okuwukuphela kwalo eliphikisayo elibambe iqhaza okhethweni, uDavid Pierre we-Popular Democratic Movement, ngemizamo yakhe nokuvuthwa kwakhe ekubeni yingxenye yenqubo yentando yeningi kanye nokunikeza izwi emibonweni ephikisayo.

I-Parti Lepep isinqobe zonke izihlalo zezifunda ezingu-25 okhethweni lweSishayamthetho Sikazwelonke, ngokwesimemezelo seKhomishini yoKhetho namuhla. Ikhomishana yoKhetho ithe iPopular Democratic Movement ayizange ithole amavoti anele ukuze ithole izihlalo ezilinganayo.

"Umphumela uwukuvezwa kweningi labantu baseSeychellois ... izwi labantu kanye nokukhethwa kwabantu sekukhulumile ... Sinakho ukunqoba, kodwa ngesikhathi esifanayo sasifisa ukuthi abaphikisayo bathole izihlalo ezithile ukuze bakhuthaze. impikiswano eyengeziwe. Nakuba lokhu kungenzeki, iqembu lami lizoqhubeka lizibophezele ekuxoxisaneni nomphakathi ngendlela yokubonisana ukuze kuthuthukiswe intando yeningi yezwe lethu,” kusho uMongameli James Michel, umholi weParti Lepep, ngemva kokumenyezelwa kwemiphumela.

UMongameli uMichel uhalalisele amalungu akhethiwe eqembu lakhe ngokunqoba kwawo futhi wawacela ukuthi enze umzamo owengeziwe wokuxoxisana nabameleli bawo emsebenzini wokushaya umthetho abazowenza.

"Sizosebenza ngokuzikhandla ekwehlukeneni kwemibono yethu, futhi sizosebenzisana ukuze sithuthukise ubunye bethu bukazwelonke ukuze sithuthukise iSeychelles entsha ... ngangokunokwenzeka,” kusho uMongameli Michel.

Imiphumela egcwele yesiyingi ngasinye izotholakala phakathi nosuku ngeSonto. Sihalalisela iqembu eliwinile kanye namaqembu aphikisayo - ikhwelo lokuthatha isibindi njengoba liyohlale likhona elinye ithuba lokwenza kangcono esikhathini esizayo.

Meanwhile a message was received from one of two close acquaintances presently on holiday on Mahe, who said: ‘…”One would simply not have known about these elections but for the posters and headlines and articles in the local papers ‘Nation’ and ‘Today,’ which we get in the hotel. Of course, I don’’t listen to the local radio stations or watch local TV, so I could not say what was on air. But unlike at home in Britain where elections are marked by big rallies and high visibility of candidates and parties, here it was just another day in paradise. I know you keep reminding me that Seychelles is part of Africa but to be honest, going for a holiday to Africa during elections is really not a good idea, but here in Seychelles it was just business as usual’.”

Seychelles -– truly ‘”another world’.”


  • President Michel congratulated the leader of the sole opposition party participating in the election, David Pierre of the Popular Democratic Movement, for his efforts and maturity in being part of the democratic process and giving a voice to opposition views.
  • A new opposition party was swiftly formed by dissenters previously part of the SNP, but with little time to prepare for an election campaign, eventually failed to capture a single elective seat from the 25 constituencies nor apparently gathered enough votes to claim some of the ‘proportional seats’ otherwise available.
  • I know you keep reminding me that Seychelles is part of Africa but to be honest, going for a holiday to Africa during elections is really not a good idea, but here in Seychelles it was just business as usual’.


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Linda Hohnholz

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