UMongameli waseCameroon uzokhuluma ne-ATA Presidential Forum on Tourism

NgoLwesihlanu, zingama-25 kuMandulo, uMongameli waseCameroon, kanye noNgqongqoshe Bezangaphandle NezokuVakasha abavela eNamibia, Malawi, Zambia, naseZanzibar, kanye nommeleli wezinga eliphezulu weBhange Lomhlaba,

NgoLwesihlanu, zingama-25 kuMandulo, uMongameli waseCameroon, kanye noNgqongqoshe Bezangaphandle Nezokuvakasha abavela eNamibia, Malawi, Zambia, naseZanzibar, kanye nommeleli wezinga eliphezulu weBhange Lomhlaba, bazobamba iqhaza Esigcawini Sesine Sonyaka Somongameli se-Africa Travel Association. kwiTourism eNyuvesi yaseNew York. Isihloko sizobe sithi Isimo Sezokuvakasha e-Afrika: Ezokuvakasha Zingakuqhuba Kanjani Ukukhula Komnotho Esizweni, Isifunda, kanye Nezwekazi.

Abaholi base-Afrika bazokhuluma ngemikhakha yabo yezokuvakasha kanye nesimo samanje nesakusasa semboni kubameleli abahlukahlukene abavela emphakathini wezikhulu, izinhlangano zokuhwebelana ngezokuvakasha, izifundiswa, kanye nabezindaba zohwebo lwemboni yezokuvakasha. I-Africa House ye-NYU izophinde isingathe umcimbi, kanti iSouth African Airways kanye neTanzania National Parks (TANAPA) esebenza njengabaxhasi. Ibhodi Lezokuvakasha laseTanzania lizokwethula Umklomelo walo Wezindaba wezi-2009 ku-Eloise Parker.

I-ATA yahlela inkundla yokuqala ngo-2006 nomongameli baseTanzania nabaseNigeria. Ngo-2007, izinhloko zezifundazwe zaseTanzania naseCape Verde zethula izinkulumo zosuku. Bajoyinwa ongqongqoshe baseBenin, Ghana, Lesotho, Malawi, kanye nabamele iRwanda kanye ne-Africa Union.

Ngonyaka odlule, ongqongqoshe baseTanzania, Zambia naseMalawi baba nengxenye. Ngomgomo wayo wokuqinisa ubudlelwano phakathi kwamazwe ase-Afrika kanye nemboni yezokuvakasha emhlabeni jikelele, lesi sithangami siyithuba labaholi, abahambele imihlangano yeNhlangano Yezizwe Ezihlangene eNew York, ukubeka ezokuvakasha nezokuvakasha phambili ku-ajenda yomphakathi wamazwe ngamazwe futhi ekhalendeni lemicimbi yemboni.

Ingabe uyingxenye yale ndaba?

  • Uma unemininingwane eyengeziwe yokwengezwa okungenzeka, izingxoxo zizofakwa kuzo eTurboNews, futhi yabonwa abantu abangaphezu kwezigidi ezimbili abafunda, abalalelayo nabasibukayo ngezilimi ezingu-2 Chofoza lapha
  • Eminye imibono yezindaba? Chofoza lapha


  • With its mission of strengthening partnerships between African nations and the global travel trade industry, the forum is an opportunity for leaders, who are attending United Nations General Assembly meetings in New York, to put travel and tourism at the forefront of the international community's agenda and on the industry's event calendar.
  • On Friday, September 25, the President of Cameroon, alongside Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Tourism from Namibia, Malawi, Zambia, and Zanzibar, as well as a high-level World Bank representative, will participate in the Africa Travel Association's Fourth Annual Presidential Forum on Tourism at New York University.
  • African leaders will speak about their tourism sectors and both the current and future state of the industry to a wide range of representatives from the diplomatic community, travel trade organizations, academia, and travel industry trade media.


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Linda Hohnholz

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