UMbusi wase-Anguilla wabelana ngokuvuselelwa kwe-COVID-19

Restaurants and other food establishments are restricted to take-out services only. All social distancing measures are to be observed including capacity limits and mask wearing where appropriate.

All ports will be closed to incoming passengers, although those seeking to leave Anguilla will be permitted to do so.

In the announcement today, the Chairman of the Anguilla Tourist Board, Mr. Kenroy Herbert stated, “Anguilla remains a safe destination, we take all incidents very seriously and our quick response and protocols reinforces how serious we are about the safety of our visitors and residents.” 

Vaccination of the population remains paramount, and persons are encouraged to continue to visit vaccinations sites to receive the vaccine. To date, 6,998 persons have registered for the vaccine and of those, 6115 persons received their first dose, and 783 persons received their second dose, representing approximately 50 percent of the island’s adult population. The Government of Anguilla is committed to transparency and openness in updating both its citizenry and the tourism community of the status of the pandemic on island.

For travel and tourism information on Anguilla please visit the official website of the Anguilla Tourist Board:

Mayelana ne-Anguilla

Ishiywe enyakatho yeCaribbean, i-Anguilla ubuhle obunamahloni nokumomotheka okufudumele. Ubude obuncane bama-coral ne-limestone obuzungezwe okuluhlaza, lesi siqhingi sinamabhishi angama-33, athathwa ngabahambi abanobuhlakani nomagazini abahamba phambili, ukuthi sihle kakhulu emhlabeni. Indawo enhle yokupheka, izindawo ezahlukahlukene zokuhlala ezisezingeni ngamanani entengo ahlukahlukene, inqwaba yezinto ezikhangayo nekhalenda elijabulisayo lemikhosi elenza i-Anguilla ibe yindawo ekhangayo nengenisayo.

I-Anguilla ilele nje ngaphandle kwendlela eshayiwe, ngakho-ke igcine umlingiswa othandekayo nesikhalazo. Kodwa-ke ngoba ingafinyelelwa kahle kusuka kumasango amabili amakhulu: iPuerto Rico neSt. Martin, nangomoya wangasese, yi-hop futhi yeqa.

Ezothando? Ubuhle bezinyawo? I-chic engacabangi? Futhi injabulo engashintshiwe? I-Anguilla injalo Ukudlula Okungajwayelekile.

Izindaba eziningi nge-Anguilla

#ukwakha kabusha


  • Isigcawu esimnandi sokupheka, inhlobonhlobo yezindawo zokuhlala ezisezingeni eliphezulu ngamanani ahlukahlukene, inqwaba yezinto ezikhangayo kanye nekhalenda elijabulisayo lamafestivali kwenza i-Anguilla ibe indawo ekhangayo nehehayo.
  • The Government of Anguilla is committed to transparency and openness in updating both its citizenry and the tourism community of the status of the pandemic on island.
  • Ubude obuncane be-coral kanye ne-limestone eboshwe ngohlaza, lesi siqhingi sinamabhishi angu-33, athathwa abahambi abanolwazi nomagazini abahamba phambili, njengabahle kakhulu emhlabeni.

Mayelana umbhali

ULinda Hohnholz, umhleli we-eTN

ULinda Hohnholz ubelokhu ebhala futhi ehlela izindatshana selokhu aqala ukusebenza. Usebenzise le nkanuko yokuzalwa ezindaweni ezifana neHawaii Pacific University, iChaminade University, iHawaii Children's Discovery Center, kanye neTravelNewsGroup manje.

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